ÉTUDES au TOLDI | live session | 2021
℗ & © 2020 Théque Records
The first clear sound-light concept was finalized by the group during the pandemic, which was recorded in the main hall of Toldi cinema, during the Études au Toldi live session which became the release of the new music album Études de Battements. The musicality of the album is based on the rhythm practices of different musical styles, therefore the connection of sound and visuality could reach a greater visual and musical depth, which was documented in the form of music sheets.
Based on the sheets they visualized the space-light layers tightly connected to musical and rhythmic layers in the space of Toldi. The moving light changes according to its nature, it appears and disappears, this creates its role parallelly with musical ephemerality. The light approaches the sensation triggered by sounds during musical performances. The space of perception is distanced from being static, by the light which is forming and filling space, its reproduction becomes impossible. Light appears in a fraction of a second and it can disappear in the same way, in relation to musical sound. The presence of light influences space in a suggestive way and due to the way it is constructed, it can be interpreted in several ways. The more static light, which was yet originated from object, created endless, timeless space of installation, a moving immobility. Here the meaning is the form and the white light themselves, their sonic dynamism.
producer – Annamária LIGOSZTÁJEVA, Gergely ÁLMOS
director of photography – Dániel SZŐKE
visuals – Andrea SZTOJÁNOVITS
editor – Gábor HOLTAI
sound production – Gábor VÁRI (Miracle Sound)
electronics, keys – Gergely ÁLMOS
vocals – Dóri HEGYI
acoustic piano – Szilvia VÁRNAI
drums – Kristóf GULYÁS
bass guitar – Tamás MEZEY
production sound mixer – Gábor VÁRI
1st AS – Kosta Velcsev DEJANOV
location sound engineer – Dávid KOVÁCSOVICS
technician – Ákos SZILÁGYI
production designer – Andrea SZTOJÁNOVITS, Gergely ÁLMOS
projection / sfx – Adorján TRIFF
software: Tamás NAGY / Vezér app
colorist – Szilárd TŐTSZEGI
post production supervisor – Gábor HOLTAI CREW
production manager – Annamária LIGOSZTÁJEVA
focus puller / steadicam – Bence Zoltán BUJDOSÓ
focus puller / assistant camera – Dávid RÖZGE
gaffer – Attila DÓCZI
electrician – István MÉNKÜ
electrician – Miklós LUCSIK
grip – Bálint MIHALCSIK
make-up – Barbara NÓGRÁDI
catering – Ajdin UNKIC , Árpád VARGA
Ágnes Bubla
Regina Darányi
Annamária Horváth
Orsolya Horváth
Gábor Komlódi
Anna Korolovszky
Csaba Mecseki
Barnabás Princz
Bence Sági
András Szendrő
Szonáta Zongoraterem
Supported by Nemzeti Kulturális Alap. www.nka.hu